“CleverFarm a.s. recently completed proof of concept phase with IoT sensors in Chile. Thanks to the support of Mr Ricardo Ulloa who is representative of Sigfox operator in Chile – Mintek Ltd, pilot site has been selected and at the beginning of November 2018, set of IoT sensors has been installed. CleverFarm IoT sensors are used on the Fundo Moliners site within Colchagua Valley where Chile’s finest red wines are made, mostly from Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenère and Syrah. The vineyard selected as pilot site is cultivated by Mr Eduardo Osorio Labarca who is the grape supplier for Viña San Pedro winery. The place is known for the limited resources of water which is used for vineyards irrigation. Therefore several IoT soil moisture sensors and the meteorological station has been implemented on the pilot site. Data from sensors are transmitted to the CleverFarm platform and used for precise irrigation management. The first outcome has shown that using the data from IoT sensors for precise irrigation management resulted in a significant decrease in water consumption and therefore will allow extending the area under vineyards for the next season. The preparatory steps have been already taken and surrounding scrubs has been grubbed up. Next step is planting.”